Sunday, 30 June 2013

A good ol' clear out

This time next week I won't be living in London anymore.

It's a strange thought, that. Although I'm looking forward to the next chapter of my life, it will certainly be an adjustment. However, I am looking at it from an exciting perspective; I will make new friends, study at a new college, work at a new job and live in a new home. I am hoping that certain aspects of it will be more colourful than I could ever imagine, and that others will run smoothly and not as difficult as I anticipate!

So what I'm trying to say is: I think that to match a turning chapter in my life means that this is the perfect opportunity to try new things. When I say new things, it could be the way I dress or the books I read ... anything.

So, trying to do something different this straight away, I went to my favourite place on the high street: Waterstones. I bought two books. I bought a sociological book and a book that deals with the greatest enigmas in physics. A year ago, I would not have even considered picking these up. My former self would have only read a novel belonging to the Victorian genre. Je ne sais pas; I need something new so that I can continue to grow and enjoy life to the full. I'm still tackling War and Peace, just so you know *wink*.

Tonight, I have been clearing out my wardrobe! I've found so many things I just never wear. After raising nearly £100.00 for Oxfam this year by giving them clothes that just didn't fit anymore, I thought I could help them more, as well as prepare for my new happy-filled life. I'm going to clear out all of the makeup that has been out of date (ew, yuck) too!

I'm also going to get my keyboard back this summer, so I'm going to try and play that too. I love playing my guitar at the moment, I have rediscovered my passion for it!

If you've recently graduated from university, are in the process of changing jobs or are going through a major change in your life - is there anything you have been adapting into your new life? :)

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